Hey guys!
Hope everyone is having a good week:)
I've gotten a lot of questions regarding
a few different things with the blog.
Ranging from prepping posts to hair and makeup.
Interacting with all of you is my hands-down,
number one favorite thing about blogging
so I thought I'd take this post to answer
a few questions that I seem to get asked the most...
How did your blog get started?
I originally started when Jonathan and I got married
as a means of documenting our new lives together.
I started receiving more and more questions about clothing I wore,
so I decided why not turn it into a platform for life and style-
killing two birds with one stone;)
Who takes your pictures and what kind of camera do you use?
My awesooooome husband.
Seriously y'all,
I don't brag on him enough but he's amazing.
So supportive, so patient.
This fun little gig for sure wouldn't happen without him.
How do you curl your hair?
I can't even sing praises high enough for this hair wand.
I have used this product since college and am still a faithful fan.
If you're in the market, run get one now!
How do I shop the clothes you post on Instagram?
Sign up
here using your email address.
{Best to do this from computer, I hear people have trouble from a mobile device.}
After you've signed up, simply double tap a picture I post on Instagram.
Direct links to all items are then emailed straight to your inbox.
What makeup products do you use?
I could do a post on this alone {and may in the future},
but below is a quick rundown of what's in my everyday routine:
That covers everything for now!
If you ever have questions about anything else
please feel free to shoot me an email {elizabetheuna[at]gmail[dot}com}.
I'd love to chat!
Two features of the week:
Instagram Link-Up Requirements:
1. We ask that you please follow the hosts on Instagram: @bygracelee | @elizabetheuna | @chicstreetstyle | and use the hashtag #wiwwlinkup when posting on Instagram.
2. We will pick ONE blog from the link-up and ONE Instagram post from #wiwwlinkup to feature on the link-up every week, so be sure to let your friends know! We will also contact you if you are featured!