Plaid Coat {on sale!}: Sheinside, c/o; Clutch {$20 off!}: Merci-Fortune, c/o; Sweater: Old Navy; Knit Hat: Target; Booties: Vince Camuto; Skinnies: Belk at Eastdale Mall, c/o; Leather Bangle: House of Harlow via Rocksbox, c/o {more about Rocksbox next week!}
Happy Thanksgiving eve, friends!
Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays.
Even though I say that about every holiday.
I know Hugh's really still too young,
but I'm excited to begin sharing family traditions with him~
Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, Noni's {my mom} turkey,
my grandmother's pumpkin pie.
Yikes, now I'm hungry!
Before I leave ya...
if you're in the market for a statement coat,
It's on sale right now, and SO worth it.
Merci-Fortune clutch will also be on repeat through the holidays;)
As always, thanks so much for linking up with us.
We just adore you guys!
Two features of the week:
Instagram Link-Up Requirements:
1. We ask that you please follow the hosts on Instagram: @bygracelee | @elizabetheuna | @chicstreetstyle | and use the hashtag #wiwwlinkup when posting on Instagram.
2. We will pick ONE blog from the link-up and ONE Instagram post from #wiwwlinkup to feature on the link-up every week, so be sure to let your friends know! We will also contact you if you are featured!