Thursday, March 15, 2012

Perfect timing and pink pants.


 Hat: Target {out of stock}like this one though, Blazer: H&M similar here
Top: T.J.Maxx similar here if your budget is plentiful, Pants: H&M similar here
Flats: Forever21 similar here,Necklaces: Max&Cleo, Hallelu

 *Love it- Perfect timing.
 These past few days have been a little tiresome. Hitting that pre-spring break wall.
Enter two best friends, both unexpectedly in town for the night.
Good Thai food, too many laughs, just the re-charge I needed.

*Leave it- Husband and I taking a lovely evening stroll downtown, hand in hand,
loving our love, kind of moment. When out of nowhere, a bird bomb dives, straight into us.
Please remember I said "evening." Nigh time. Sheer darkness.
Running and screaming was involved. {Think Alfred Hitchcock's Birds}
Romantic moment-officially dead.

*Love it- Packing. I know right? Packing? What am I thinking?
This shows how happy I am to be moving people!!

*Leave it- "Monday" Jonathan. He's not as fun and carefree as "Weekend" Jonathan.
A bit more grumpy. Aren't we all though?

*Love it- Only a little over a week until spring break, and a girls' weekend of fun
to celebrate a dear friend's expectancy of a baby boy. Because when one of us has a baby,
good times are had.


Lucy Loves To Blog said...

Very cute outfit, love those pants!

Lucy Loves To Blog

Patrycja said...

Amazing blog!

Chelsea **A Bit of Sass** said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lilly Style said...

Great look! LOVE that necklace.

Marionberry Style said...

Love your style (those jeans are amazing on you!) and your blog. And this is hilarious...a bird divebombing me in the dark is my idea of a nightmare. I so dislike birds!
I am right there with you on hitting the pre-spring break wall! We have 8 more days...the kids and all the teachers at my school are totally showing signs of burn-out (state testing right now doesn't help!)

And I'm totally your newest follower!
XO - Marion
PS - you should consider linking up for the first "Trend of the Month Challenge" next Wednesday (see my latest post for details)! Those hot pink pants are perfect for the "neon" theme :-)

Anonymous said...

You are precious!! Love the 'love it or leave it'! Um..and I have totally been dive bird bombed I need some pink pants ASAP! Glad to be new blog friends!
XO, Jessica

Tracy Davis said...

This shirt is to die for, it is so cute!! Probably one of the first skull pieces I like!


Tami said...

Hi sweetie ! So glad you found my blog ! Love your blog and this outfit is very cute! We can now follow each other :) xo tami

Elizabeth said...

Thank you Marion! I'll check out the challenge, definitely interested in participating.

Have a great weekend!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks dear! Me too:)

Allyson McGuire said...

I just found your adorable blog, and I am so excited to be your newest follower! Those pants are adorable...I have got to get on the colored jeans bandwagon!
I hope you'll stop by my blog, Cupcakes and Candy Canes, sometime.


Tiffany said...

You're so cute!! I love that tee. =) I'm so glad you found my blog! I love finding other stylish teachers out there! Although, I'm still student teaching and just took my 2nd certification test yesterday... and passed!! Yay! =) One more to go and I'll be employable! lol

Laura said...

I love those pants!!

Yay for packing - good luck on your new adventure.

xo, Laura

Head to Toe Chic said...

I love everything about this outfit!! You look amazing.


Wida said...

I want that skirt!!

Missing Amsie Blog

Helena Resende said...

You look lovely :)

Anonymous said...

i love this look! x

LyddieGal said...

that blazer fits you so perfectly, and i love those pink skinnies!
Chic on the Cheap

Marella said...

Super cute color dear!

I have an amazing giveaway on my blog and I really appreciate if you partecipate!
Btw, super cute blog! Following! Follow back?;)

Dearest Lou said...

You look amazing! Love the pants and blazer


Men Trend said...

Love your look! The pants are really nice! And I adore t-shirts with skull-print! :D

Men Trend

Jackie Welling said...

Ugh I want this tank so bad!!! It's a skull but not creepy! So jealous, you're darling!

Little J Style

Jo said...

This outfit is so cute!! And it looks perfect on you!
<3 <3

Giovanna said...

Love this look! I want every piece!!


polka dotted lipstick said...

in love w this outfit! rocker t,colored pants, fitted blazer,hat ..fab! hope you're having a great week! xo

+1 newest follower :)

Megs said...

I have an obsession with skulls (not in the creepy way...) and so I'm coveting your top! Love it paired with the crisp white blazer and bright skinnies! Your outfits are so well thought out & adorable! xo, Megs

Taylor said...

Love the tough and pink pants! I am the proud owner of 3 different pink pants and I still can't get enough of them. Love the blog! New follower:)

xo Taylor @ Louder Than Words

liza said...

nice post