95% of you know by now, but yes, we are expecting a baby girl!!
Today I wanted to share how we learned the news and how we told our families...
With Hugh we took the usual route and waited until our 20 week ultrasound to find out.
I knew this time around I did not want to wait that long.
I felt like I bonded so much with Hugh once I found out he was a boy, helping form his little identity.
I was ready to experience that with this bundle as soon as we could.
Our doctor's office doesn't perform gender ultrasounds so we went to an
ultrasound service that specializes in gender reveals-
something I didn't even know existed until one of our amazing nurses told us.
I was surprised to find out they could identify the gender as early as 14 weeks!
We would be traveling to Alabama the next week to visit our families so
we knew we wanted to squeeze in an appointment before we left to surprise everyone with the news.
Let me go ahead and say, Jonathan and I were both convinced this one was a boy.
It never even crossed my mind it would not be. My family has a dominant streak of boys, 6 of 7.
So like I said, I did not see pink in my future.
As the tech was performing the ultrasound Jonathan and I still thought it was a boy.
We would later find out it was the umbilical cord we had mistaken;)
After a few minutes of examining she revealed it was a girl!
I believe my response was, "Are you serious?!?"
Jonathan was like, "Whaaaaat?!?"
Shocked. We were shocked.
We're SO excited though!
You guys know what a girly girl I am so this will be right up my alley.
J and I always knew we wanted boys and girls and I can't wait to see him with a little girl:)
Back to telling our fams...
everyone thought we were waiting to find out at our 20 week appointment
so no one was expecting gender news anytime soon.
We shared by telling everyone that we had new ultrasound pictures to share.
On the last picture it was typed in, "I'm a girl!"
It was so much fun sharing the news.
A double surprise, we knew the gender AND it was a girl!
We're so blessed, so happy to add this precious little lady to our family.
Just 19 weeks to go...