Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Bye spring break.

Sweater: Francesca's {no longer available} similar here
Blouse: Modcloth {no longer available} craving this guy
Cropped pants: J.Crew, Heels: Zara

 *Love it- 2 weeks. Two weeks until husband and I are in our new home.
Perfect timing for some sun and pool lounging and frozen drinks.

*Leave it- Drivers on the interstate cruising in the left lane, under the speed limit.
You know who I'm talking about. Just scoot over! This always seems to happen when I'm in a hurry.
I gotta need for speed! This is probably God's way of telling me to slow. Down.

*Love it- Family. I spent a couple of days over the break at my parents' with the whole fam.
{sister, brother, spouses, and all three nephews}
Being with them is fun, tiring, and refreshing all at the same time. They're the best.

*Leave it- Alabama pollen. Those of you unfamiliar with the South, pollen down here is unlike
anything you've ever seen. Thick coat of yellow, everywhere.

*Love it- The Easter candy I'm about to consume this weekend. Hello, Cadbury Eggs.

Outside shots coming up soon!
Thanks for reading!


Anonymous said...

LOVE this outfit to pieces!! You look gorgeous in it as well! I am with you on the pollen (Texas pollen is killing me!). Hope you have a fab day!!
XO, Jessica

Head to Toe Chic said...

This outfit is so pretty! I love your pants and shoes!


Wilde + Free said...

Love this look, the quilted Chanel is so classic :)
Btw, I'm one of those left-lane-slow-pokers, sorry lol.


Aleraz Joyas y Accesorios said...

Lindo Look!!!

Kristen Lam said...

OHHHHH Chanel is amazing


A "cheery" disposition said...

this outfit is so beautiful and classy.

Elizabeth said...

Haha, it happens. No worries!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Kristen. I love your blog! Your hair is gorgeous!

Elizabeth said...

Thanks Jessica! I'm having so much fun keeping up with you! Hopefully this pollen will be out of here soon:/

Tiffany said...

Super cute outfit!! I want those cropped pants!! UGH, pollen in Florida is just as bad. I'm hating it. And I'm so excited for Easter candy. I've already gotten myself some for work. Malted milk eggs and jelly beans. =) I ran this morning, so I'm totally justified in sneaking a few here and there . . . or all day long. =)

Daria said...

I like the shirt and pants :)

Anonymous said...

And here I thought DC was bad with its pollen! Loving everything you have on- the bold colored pants, the leopard, those heels and of course, the bag! Like I said, everything! x

Simply Sarah said...

love this outfit - those pants are adorable!

Love Cardelia said...

Love this look...Everything about it..the sweater with the pants and the shoes!


Cara said...

This is such a beautiful outfit! I love the pink pants and the ruffle top with the leopard print sweater. The pollen situation is not any better in DC, I feel like its going on a month now of stuffiness and itchy eyes. Congrats on the house!

Megs said...

I love the mix of everything in this outfit and how each piece stands alone while working as a part of a whole! Classic look! Nothing's more classic than a Chanel flap! Lovely! xo, Megs


Emily said...

You look awesome! The color and leopard are great! I am a new follower!

Tracy Davis said...

Love the pants! I've been eyeing those for a while now! And good luck with that Easter candy, I cannot stop eating it!