Thursday, April 5, 2012

This is why I'm not a good multitasker...

Chambray Shirt: Old Navy, Vest: Old Navy {No longer available} but love this, Pants: Windsor {no longer available} similar here
Bag: Zara, Necklaces: Max&Cleo, Market in D.C., Hallelu, Watch: Betsey Johnson

I took these last night as I was attempting to cook dinner. {keyword attempt}
Elizabeth cooking dinner is, like last night for example, picking up a rotisserie chicken
from the grocery store and whipping up some kind of side item. Nothing too grand.
I stuck the chicken in the oven {plastic packaging and all, oven off} as I prepared to 
make some mac and cheese. In the midst of trying to cook and take these shots,
I preheated the oven to bake the mac and cheese. 
Do you think I remembered to remove the chicken from the oven? 
{remember, plastic packaging and all}
No. Definitely not.
I open my oven and there lies our poor, poor, now plastic, chicken.
See J? This is why bad things happen when your wife is in the kitchen;)

 Hope your Thursday is great!

And yeah, those are faux leather pants. I'm crazy like that!


Tiffany said...

Ha! Oh no, that's just awful. But funny, too. lol

I love that cargo vest!!

Anonymous said...

HAHA! That is totally something I would do! Hey, it makes for a great story, right!?! Love this outfit, and you freakin' rock those faux leather pants!! I totally want some! Love the jewels too!
XO, Jess

Adriana said...

I love the outfit! Funny story I'm pretty sure i've done something like that before lol.

Little Petite

his little lady said...

a girl after my own heart. i am definitely not a savvy one in the kitchen. dinners at the taylor household mainly consist of spaghetti or frozen pizza, ha.
but i am totally in love with those pants!!!!
xo TJ

Giovanna said...

Love it! I've definitely pre-heated the oven while I had cookware in there that melted! lol
Super cute look! Love your necklaces and bag!


Megs said...

Oh ovens... they're tricky, tricky things haha. Your accessories are beautiful! BEAUTIFUL! Love the necklaces! Especially the filigree initials one... I saw that on Lauren Conrad a while ago. Love the leather leggings as well! Your style is impeccable! & Thank you so much for following me back, hun! xo, Megs

Mandy said...

Hahaha, your little story is so adorable! I remember a few occasions where I have done something similar myself hehe. ;) I think I'm gradually improving ...

Love your outfit - everything works so well with all the different textures and accessories! The denim and leather is a combination I wouldn't have thought of but it absolutely works!

Thank you for you lovely comment too. :)

<3 Mandy xx

Terri said...

I shouldn't laugh, but that's hilarious! At least you looked fabulous while you were doing it. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'm a new follower!

Marionberry Style said...

Ahahaha! I love this story...poor little chicken!
I do love this outfit though. The vest with the pants is awesome...

XO - Marion

Girls in the Green Boots said...

Hey at least you attempt to make dinner, I don't even get that far! Cooking is not something that goes on in my house, I wish I was better in the kitchen! Thank goodness for take-out! Btw, love the outfit!

Sarah & Kristina

Unknown said...

Hey I'm a new follower and loving the blog. I am loving the bag, and your style is great, i like how you explore with colours :)

Giuliana said...

this is the PERFECT outfit, you look amazing!
